Multi Grade Filter (MGF)
Multi Grade Filter is used for removal of suspended solids & turbidity from water & wastewater. We, EESS offer series of filters at a low cost, reliable and highly efficient way to filter your water.
Salient Features
- Simple design maximizes reliability and efficiency
- Multi layers of filtration media
- Filtration rating up to 5 � 20 Microns
- Standard and effective quartz sand media.
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- FRP, MSRL, MSEP & SS Vessels are available.
- Manual, Semi-Automatic and Automatic features are provided
- Pre-assembled construction minimizes start-up time and installation costs
- Structural steel legs provide rigid support of vessel for safety
- Air scouring available for high flow pressure vessel.
- Proven design of internal distribution and collection system.
- Efficient Turbidity and TSS Removal
- High filtration rate
- Filtration efficiency is up to 2.0 ppm suspended particles
- Easy operation & maintenance
- Wide range in material of construction
- Economical way of production & design
- Low Energy requirement
- Can accommodate seasonal fluctuations in flow rate
- Long filter cycles between backwashing with minimum loss of pressure.
A: Applications: (For Drinking Water Treatment)
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
- Iron Removal
- Manganese removal
- Fluoride Removal
- Arsenic Removal
- Pretreatment to reverse Osmosis Plant
- Pretreatment to Desalination Plant
B: River Water Treatment
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
C: Ground Water Treatment
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
- Iron Removal
- Manganese removal
- Fluoride Removal
- Arsenic Removal
D: Waste Water Treatment Plant
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
- Septic Tank expansion
E: Swimming Pool Filtration
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
F: Cooling Tower & Process Water Treatment
- Turbidity & Total Suspended Solid Removal
- Side Stream Filter
- Full Stream Filter
- Make up water Filter