No Objection Certificate (NOC)
We “EESS” prepares the complete report for securing Consent to Establish (CTE), Consent to Operate (CTO) from State Pollution Control Board for various industries, real estate, group housing & Govt. projects.
The necessary documents, which are required to be submitted along with NOC application, are as follows:
- Scheme for pollution control including E.T.P APCS & HW management, if applicable.
- Pre-processing, performing calculations and validating the data for compliance with any alert or reporting levels
- Site plan/layout plan (not applicable in case of industry located in approved industrial area.
- Project report
- Memorandum of Articles/ Partnership deed
- NOC fee
- Flow Chart & Manufacturing Process
- Affidavits
- 500m & 5 km Radius map.
- Copy of Land documents
- Copy of Fire fighting NOC